Friday, October 18, 2013

Could There Be Two? Like You? No Way!

Hello Readers!

Now I know you are all waiting to hear about Kosovo am I right? Well the reason that has been delayed is I became very ill over here in Bulgaria. VERY ill. But I will write about that later. This post it to tell you that I have been nominated for the “Versatile Blogger Award!” Because my blog is not only about living in Bulgaria but also: traveling around, teaching, real life, growth, friendship, and discovery-It apparently makes me very versatile! At least that is what the blogger over at “Fashionably Kate” thought.
Isn't it pretty?!?!
I am truly honored to be thought of for this, and honestly blogging has been helping me not only share my adventures with my family and friends back home but also keep track of the craziness that ensues! However, with this nomination comes the stereotypical fine print, which I actually always read btw. ALWAYS READ. Even the tiny print on those infomercial at 2 a.m. ;)
Sometimes it's hysterical

So Fine print:
Display the award on your blog
Mention/link the people who nominated you
Nominate another 15 bloggers who you feel should be given this award
Inform them you have nominated them
Write 7 facts about yourself
Sell your soul for a packet of skittles…wait, hold on! That one isn’t for this award, it’s for a kids 6th birthday party. Whoops!
I want him at all of my parties from now on!
So because I am very ill and I think that I am allowed to take it easy for a few days I will nominate my 15 later on in the weekend when I am feeling better and can think straight. However here are my 7 random facts about myself!
1: I am obsessed with 1920’s, ‘30’s, and ‘40’s films especially in Black and White. I watch them on youtube in bed at night and pretend I am in the cinema back in the day with snazzy ushers and penny popcorn.
2:I don’t like purple skittles, I know that’s odd right? But they just are too ‘dull’? for me I guess.
3:My favorite Disney original character is Goofy (originally is important because Winnie the Pooh is another one of my favorites but wouldn’t count in this category!) I love that Goofy always got to wear clothes when Pluto didn’t and it was funny because Pluto was more intelligent but Goofy was so optimistic. To me it seems an analogy to mankind: We may not always be the brightest but the optimism is what gets us through. No matter how many times he was injured he kept going, I really loved that about him. *Cue my sister mouthing at the screen “You seriously over think these things! It’s a Disney character!”
4:*Warning for explitives used in direct quotation!*
My friend Kaylee jokes that I am her Vulcan and I actually found a fanfiction story that has Kirk going off saying “That is it! That’s all. The end. Get your hands off my Vulcan! That’s not just the first officer of my ship—the Federation flagship—that Vulcan is my Vulcan. I’m sure you people have girlfriends, boyfriends, wives, consorts, harem-boys—whatever the hell it is you people do—but that? That is MINE. Holy shit, stop touching my fucking Vulcan.”  
I swear she followed me here..
What a beauty!
Now Kaylee would NEVER say it that way, but we read it and thought it was so funny that after we constantly said I was her Vulcan, someone wrote about it in fanfiction. But in reality people joke I’m a Vulcan because I act on logic instead of emotion, I am not one to jump but instead carefully think things through. The craziest I’ve gotten was hopping a bus out of Bosnia early to get to make it to Albania! I also am very guarded and don’t display emotion as easily as others do. It’s jut how I roll lol.

5: I had this adviser in undergrad who didn’t want to grant me permission to take extra credits, and I panicked.  I was 19, I wanted to graduated in 2.5 years and really take on the world, and if she didn’t let me take those extra credits I couldn’t take Existentialism and really investigate who I was. So I stood there and talked as quickly as possible saying “It is the purpose of a higher learning institution to try and engage their student body and push them to the very limits of their capability and intelligence, this is what I am trying to do and if you do not support that I am at a loss.” To which she finally said “fine, but if you burn out I warned you.” Well I didn’t burn out, I took 4 years to graduate with 3 majors, 4 minors, and 80 classes, but I didn’t burn out, each class just fueled me more and got me here today. But that was definitely my first ever act of “telling it to the man.”
6:I overcame my fear of dogs while playing with these huskies who were pulling my sled when I went dog sledding in Canada at the Millennium New Years Celebration. They were so cute and cuddly that I stopped worrying that they could eat me in one bite!
7: When I was 12 all the boys in my school band made fun of me for playing trumpet because they said girls shouldn’t play trumpet so what did I do? I learned how to play “Joy to the World, Jeremiah was a Bullfrog” on the trumpet, while balancing utensils on my fingers that were pushing the keys. No one doubted I could play after that. I also was not allowed to take utensils out of the cafeteria again ;)

There you go! 7 random facts to show my awkward versatility! Next post coming is my adventures of being sick in Bulgaria. This one is a real nail biter so get your popcorn ready!
The song for tonight is: “A Guy Like You” from “The Hunchback Of Notre Dame” because it celebrates people being different and shows that some characteristic should be celebrated…like being versatile ;) 

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