Wednesday, December 11, 2013

People They Say We Are, Crazy The Way We Are

"That we won't even discuss, 'cause what we got that can't smother, we trade our life for no other, they've only got one another, but we've. got. us!!"

Undergrad graduation day
Fun moment: Today marks my 4th completed month in Bulgaria. One of my students yesterday told me this is my "graduation day" that I am now really a teacher here and fit in I suppose. Weird to think I have yet again matriculated, and yet my bonds grow stronger with some students and I feel like maybe it's appropriate! 
I spent the  last weekend in Sofia, the capital of Bulgaria. Yes I call it the capital to my students as I constantly try to reference literature, esp fun literature like the Hunger Games. (Not that kids killing each other is cool, it isn’t but you get my point!) 

Why is it always clowns?
I took the 1 am bus on Wednesday to get in at 7 am so I could go to see a specialist in Sofia since there seems to be complications from my surgery in February. I got to the bus station and began to read “The Fault In Our Stars” which is a horrible and wonderful book. Horrible because it basically reminds me of the years I spent being ill and terminal and how it tore me apart to see my mom wonder if I would die. Wonderful because it is a beacon of hope and filled with dark humor that I completely understand. Found me bus to find my doctor and when I got there I felt like I was in the hotel in the 7th season of Doctor Who where one door held my greatest fear.

It was very different from American hospitals, which I mean fair enough it’s a different country. But the doors had lights and words in Bulgarian that I couldn’t read and I just had to play it by ear hoping I got to see the Doctor! Then after I walked around until I found my return bus and checked into my hotel to sleep off the very long night. I don’t know when I got old, but I got old!
When 23 became old?

I went to dinner with Carolyn and had a wonderful time, then prepared for the next day when we would tour the US embassy and figure out if we wanted to apply for the foreign service. Boy was it a great tour! I loved it! I would definitely love that type of job. Then we had the rest of the day to bond some more and catch up on everything we’ve been missing in each others lives.

What I want to tell my students about dreams
Fulbrighters are a very interesting breed my dear readers. We are pretty intelligent and we can sit together debating gender and stereotypes for hours, but we also want to just relax and just let go sometimes. So we went to see Catching Fire! It was fantastic! I had already seen it with my sister, Kate, when she came to visit but it was nice to just go and sit with my friends and relax. It was also nice to get to know some of my colleagues better. One totally understands what it is like to always be ill and we had a great discussion about how you live with that and stay upbeat.

Then the next day was the 100 Days in Bulgaria presentations! We discussed our schools and how Harry Potter totally lied to us with those Durmstrang students who are perfect and obedient, and well behaved and how half the time our students are opening umbrellas in class and dancing. J.K. Rowling LIED TO ME! Lol.
Seriously, first knowledge of BG

But we supported each other, we listened to each others struggles, and we shared each others joys. Thus the muppet quote for the title of this post! It’s fantastic to have this support system and it’s also really cool because one of the Fulbrighter’s has these adorable children that we are fortunate enough to get to interact with and they are delightful! I had tons of fun with them, singing reindeer songs and discussing getting their 2 front teeth for Christmas. We had a great Christmas party at the Fulbright office which was interesting because last year I was at my departments Christmas party with all adults, and tequila, and fun; and I could have never imagined being at this Christmas party this year! But we all walked home together with me carrying Annabet so she
she caught tons!
could catch snowflakes on her tongue!

I took a nice long shower, and went to bed happily. Then the next day we were up and off to the Rila Monastery. Ladies and gentlemen if you have no seen the Rila Monastery, you have not witnessed one of the best man made gifts in Eastern Europe. It was gorgeous! Even better in the snow so I am told! We got there and it was freezing which didn’t work out well for Jake since he only had a vest and fingerless gloves. One woman asked me: Why is your colleague dressed that way? To which I responded with a dead serious face: Well , you see, he’s chosen the thug life, and once you’ve chosen the thug life you can’t go back, not even in times of snow. The woman took a moment and then very seriously: oh, well, I see. To which I smiled and said: nah, I’m just kidding, he is just crazy and didn’t buy a winter coat yet!
It was gorgeous!!

I wish I could have used this humor on our tour guide though as she was a captain crabby pants who glared at us most of the time. But as usual we all tried to still enjoy and really take in the beautiful artifacts. As my first major was History of Archaeology, Archives, and Museum Work, this was especially pleasurable for me! Then we went back outside throwing snow balls and seeing the actual church and just enjoying both the glorious beauty of the paintings and church as well as the beauty of the nature around us. Leaving was hard but we went to get lunch before having a tour at the American University for Bulgaria, in Belouevgrad.
There is absolutely no purpose for this. I just loved it.

The tour was pretty nice, it reminded me why I wish I’d really done college tours before I went to undergrad. It’s an essential part of applying. But it also made me feel so old! I finished undergrad, I’m half way through my MA, and I am living here. It’s weird to be back at an undergrad institution and just seeing students who want to apply. Seriously, WHEN DID I GET OLD?!?!

Then after the tour we headed back and I went for dinner with a few of the Fulbright ladies just celebrating the weekend and reconnecting. It is very hard being so far apart. Especailly since I know that it would be much easier for me if I was nearer to Kelly and Kaitlyn, we really get along well and it’s hard to be so far from them when we are a great support system. But we enjoyed, went back to pack up and hit the hay for our final night in a truly amazing hotel (seriously if you hit up Sofia, go to the Best Western Thracian Hotel) really nice!

"I'm not sure how well this plan was thought out!"
The next day we were up and at breakfast where I got to commandeer my little helpers to help me check my room for anything I missed. Annabet really wanted to see my hotel room so I brought her up to play there and enjoy. She told me how much she did like learning Turkish, but that Bulgarian was a bunch of silly words so it was ok. From the mouth of a 5 year old ladies and gentleman, I really enjoyed that moment. Then it was grabbing a taxi together (during the ride we made up a group story about a princess who is looking for her lost wizard in the desert and there are pirates, and T-Rex, and magic, and butterflies, you really missed out!) then got on my bus for home.

On my bus though I got an awesome surprise. I was seat 5 which means I am supposed to get a
Just let me have my seat!
window seat but when I get on the jerk who was seat 6 out his bag in my seat so he could sit there. ANARCHY! I was planning on how to best explain “no this is my seat you jerk” when I heard someone say “YOU’RE ON THIS BUS!” I looked up to see my beloved K.C. was on the same bus and it was music to my ears! The guy boarded at that moment and when he realized we were going to talk non stop in English he rudely took his bag, pushed by me, and stole someone else’s seat. Which we loved because then she could sit with me. It made the bus ride back that much better and helped end the trip on a positive note.

It’s always hard to leave each other but ironically I constantly use a quote fro Horatio Hornblower to get through it: 
So many places left to go!

"Just thinking of the distances we travel and yet how far we've still to sail as men." (Just change it to "women") 

Tonight’s song is from the Muppets showing just how crazy we Fulbrighter’s are but how wonderful it is to just have us! 

For some reason Youtube wasn't working but follow this, or just punch in "Muppets and Dom Deluise!"


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