Monday, August 5, 2013

Here's to you long shots. You dark horse runners.

Dear reader whomever you are,

I am the overwhelmingly grateful recipient of a Fulbright Fellowship, spending 2013-2014 in Bourgas, Bulgaria. That may sound like gibberish, or some elitist phrasing. But imagine, if you will your greatest dream. Take a deep breath, close your eyes, and imagine the thing you want most in life, the thing you dream about at night when you know you won't want to wake up in a few hours to face the hum drum of every day. The happy place you go to when everything is going wrong. The idea that keeps you going, that spark that helps you be the "little engine that could." Now, once you have your dream, try to imagine achieving it, whatever it is. It's a feeling like no other right? You feel like your chest is tight from the inability to breath in any more air, because you have already sucked in too much with joy. You don't want to open your eyes, because you fear reality will force you to crash back from Narnia, or Hogwarts, or Middle Earth.

My home in Pravets while I study   
Well, here's the thing:
 Rory: But I don't understand. Why am I here? The Doctor: Because you are. The Universe is big. It's vast and complicated and ridiculous. And sometimes—very rarely—impossible things just happen and we call them miracles. And that's the theory. Nine hundred years, never seen one yet. But this would do me. Now get upstairs. She's Amy and she's surrounded by Romans. I'm not sure history could take it. 

I love Doctor Who and he always has an appropriate quote. Sometimes impossible things happen, because life IS vast, complicated, and ridiculous. My impossible thing happened and I was awarded the fellowship of my dreams. And here's the other thing: I worked really, really, hard to get it. I triple majored, quadruple minored in college, ran dozens of clubs while serving on over 20 committees, volunteered, and was admitted to 4 honors societies. I did the improbable in pursuit of the impossible. Now, why would I list all that? I am not an egotist by any means. My advisers actually wanted to re-write my personal statements for me thinking they were understatements. No, I am no egotist, but I am a true believer in hope. It seems that every student at my undergraduate university believes that they are not as good as a Harvard student because they go to SSU.  They say "No, they wouldn't take me, I went to Salem State." 

It's like looking into a fairy tale
Dear Fellow Vikings,

I am here to tell you that they will take you. That you are amazing. That you do the improbable every day and that you of all people can achieve the impossible because you are vikings. I am here to tell you that I am about to embark on my impossible dream. My dream to affect change, to work with women in high schools and encourage them to pursue a university degree, to inspire students and find the truth of cultural views on gender, and to spread a love of learning. So, if you are out there-I am just like you, with my long shots, my dreams, a history of rejections with a future of acceptances. I'll be chronicling my miracle of a year, and I invite you to join me. Never give up, and for extra encouragement view the video below! It will help you believe that crazy dreams come true.


1 comment:

  1. Dear Anna,

    Wishing you a happy Thanksgiving in faraway Bulgaria! I'm so thankful that you're having this life enhancing opportunity, and I know you're taking advantage of every single moment. Think of you often.

